8 Part V. National Security and the Budget 8 Part V. National Security and the Budget

8.1 Class Eight -- Thursday, January 12, 2017 8.1 Class Eight -- Thursday, January 12, 2017

We will focus in today’s class on budget issues related to defense and national security. Please read the “War Budgeting Strategies” briefing paper, which contrasts budgeting strategies for the first Gulf War to budgeting during the early years of military interventions into Afghanistan and Iraq in the early 2000s. We will then turn to a paper focusing on more recent DoD issues, focusing on the “two tiered” defense budget (normal appropriations and “Overseas Contingency Operations” budget). The final reading for today’s class, which can be considered background, focuses on financial management at the DOD. Team Written Assignments (Teams DH): Please write a short memorandum (three to five pages) assessing how well defense budgeting over the past twenty years have balanced the need for political controls over defense spending with the needs of the military to have stable funding sources and flexibility to address national emergencies.

8.1.4 Background Readings for Luncheon with James Musser 8.1.4 Background Readings for Luncheon with James Musser

While there is no formal assignment for today's luncheon talk by James Musser, posted below are a series of short policy papers produced over the past year by majority staff of the House Committee on the Budget, for which Mr. Musser served as a senior adviser.