1 Professor Background 1 Professor Background

1.1 Peter Brann 1.1 Peter Brann

Lecturer in Law, Harvard Law School
Former Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School
Former Lecturer in Law, Columbia Law School
State Solicitor and Assistant Attorney General in Maine (1981 – 1999)

Partner, Brann & Isaacson (1999 – present)




Mr. Brann was an assistant attorney general and then State Solicitor in the Maine Attorney General’s Office between 1981 and 1999.

Since 1999, Mr. Brann has been an associate and now a partner at Brann & Isaacson, which has been hired as outside counsel on behalf of attorneys general in Maine and elsewhere, and has been adverse to attorneys general in Maine and numerous other states.

Since 2010, Mr. Brann has taught or co-taught a class entitled “The Role of the State Attorney General” at Columbia, Yale, and Harvard law schools, and at Bates College.